Wildflower Bride Farms

Image of honeycomb and honey bees in a hive


The Honey from Wildflower Bride Farm is a special smooth pale honey with a floral undertone. Wildflowers like dandelion and clover are prolific and abundant and produce a much different honey than canola or cropland. We don’t use sprays on our fields as we value the quality of our honey.

Our honey is straight from the hive with only coarse filtration by gravitation so that pollen, which imparts flavour ,is a constant in our honey. We price our honey competitively on the natural honey market at the general price of $10/kg. Our honey is available in vintage honey tins, pails, jars and unique hexagon jars for samples. I rarely sample my honey without making a sale! We also sell beeswax, soap and candles using our farm ingredients.